Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mini Mountain Top Experiences

-Chocolate Chip Cookies
-Wrigley Field
-New Tennis Balls
-Sitting in the screened in porch at the lakehouse, listening to the cows
-Watching Field of Dreams
-Throwing a disc that actually goes where I intended it to, preferably in the basket
-Thunderstorms at night
-Snow fall on Christmas Eve
-Teaching Phoebo and Sophie how to sneak up and attack Nancy
-The Kentucky Derby
-Anything grilled
-Doing a puzzle on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day with Nancy
-Playing Scrabble with Nancy
-Back Scratches
-The writings of David James Duncan
-18 years of The Simpsons
-Seeing Roger Federer play the game of tennis
-Morning time with Phoebo
-Evening time with Sophie
-Chocolate Pudding Pie
-The sore feeling after a good workout
-Christmas music, Christmas trees, Christmas lights, & Christmas movies
-Learning something new every day
-Finishing a crossword puzzle
-Going to a midnight screening of a movie with all of the weirdos in costumes
-Cuddling by the fireplace
-Singing my version of the Hebrew alphabet even though I could do it right if I tried
-Churros at Navy Pier
-The end of winter
-The beginning of fall

1 comment:

Dan Weiss said...

I've never had baklava, but I would pay lots of money for a good churro! I love this post!